
Tips to help speed up and irradicate that cold!!!

Ugh! The feeling of being sick is no f u n at all. But hey, it's inevitable unless you have no physical interractions with any other human beings. So now you're feeling the chills, have a runny nose and your throat feels like it's on fire. What do you do? Help yourself out with these home remedies that will surely either speed up the process so you can get back on your feet quicker or make the cold think twice that it should even try to invade your immune system.

Tip # 1  

This stuff is POTENT. No, not the herb you find in your kitchen for cooking.It is important not to confuse Oil of Oregano with common oregano that is used as a spice for cooking. Common oregano is typically Origanum Marjoram, while Oil of Oregano is derived from Origanum Vulgare.

What are the Benefits of Oil of Oregano?

The ancient Greeks were one of the first people to recognize oregano oil for its health benefits and medicinal qualities. It is known to be a potent antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal,  and anti-parasitic oil that can reduce pain and inflammation and effectively fight off infections.

Some of the specific benefits of Oil of Oregano are:
  • Destroying organisms that contribute to skin infections and digestive problems.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Increasing joint and muscle flexibility.
  • Improving respiratory health.
A few drops in a shot glass mixed with juice in the morning is all you need. Or for instant to the blood stream method, put a couple of drops under the tounge.

Tip #2  

This home made tea is a life savor. Don't be turned off because of the garlic. There's a good reason it's in there and actually, you don't notice it in the flavor at all. The garlic aroma is infused with the ginger and lemon and makes quite a nice relaxer if inhaled (steam from the tea pot). You can add a dash of cayenne pepper for a kick to the fire in your throat as well!

So what you'll need is:
  • one or two cloves of garlic whole or mashed
  • 1" to 2" chunk of ginger with the skin removed. sliced 
  • 1/4 slice of lemon (skin and all)
  • tablespoon of honey
  • dash or two of cayenne pepper (optional)
  • boiled hot water  
Steep for 10 minutes. If you don't want to make an entire pot, you can always use a tea ball. The honey will coat and douse the fire in your throat. And my son seems to really like the tea!

Tip #3

This is an old one from my grandma. If you have a sore throat or the beginning of one, do this as a preventative measure to help stop infection in the throat right away. It's a simple as boiled hot water and sea salt (saltier the better). Let the salt melt in the water and let cool enough so that you don't burn your throat. Gargle and spit (no swallowing!) over and over again.

Tip #4

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